According to StatCounter (via OS Technix), Linux’s desktop marketshare reached a record high of 4.45% in July 2024. I enjoy following these trends as someone who has exclusively run Linux since August 2020 and has offered some thoughts on encouraging Windows and MacOS users to switch to Linux. Let us see the full StatCounter statistics:

  • Windows (72.8%)
  • OS X (14.92%)
  • Unknown (7.14%)
  • Linux (4.45%)
  • Chrome OS (1.41%)
  • FreeBSD (0.01%)

On one hand, it us neat to see Linux staying within three percentage points of the popular Unknown OS. But there is a downside; I will have to switch to FreeBSD if Linux surpasses Unknown OS because Linux will then not be cool anymore.

(Note: My jokes aside, the OS Technix article reasonably speculates that many of the “Unknown” users may be running Linux.)