Telling Southwest I’m On Vacation · The New Leaf Journal by Nicholas A. Ferrell (
I use a Southwest Airlines napkin to tell New Leaf Journal readers that I am on vacation in Texas until May 15, 2024.

A Southwest Airlines napkin. The top says in orange text "The best ideas are born on napkins" and below "What's yours?" In black ink, I wrote "Telling Emu Cafe Social 'I'm back."


This is the second time I am publishing this. I initially published it right before (1) rebuilding our server (2) before the daily backup had been taken. I had been in Texas from May 7 to 15 but I went on vacation without informing my many (self-flattery) loyal fans. I used a clever Southwest Airlines napkin question mark to break the news. Now I suppose this post shows both that I returned from Texas and my two WordPress projects returned from the (very temporary) abyss. I used the free and open source OSS Document Scanner to scan my napkin scribbles instead of taking a photo like I did for The New Leaf Journal napkin post.

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