I regularly receive unsolicited “cooperation” and “collaboration” offers at my New Leaf Journal email. I receive these despite explicitly stating on our contact page that I am not interested in these offers. Something struck me as odd about how these unsolicited emails are worded. Today, I received a follow-up email from someone claining to be an SEO Outreach Specialist seeking to cooperate with a company he represents “in the SportsBook and Casino industry.” I ignored the original email. The follow-up email, which I will also ignore, asks whether I “got” the previous email. What strikes me as odd is how both emails conclude:
Reply with ‘Unsubscribe’ so you don’t hear from us again.
For one, why would a casino “cooperation” offer be sent pursuant to a subscription. For two, why would I unsubscribe from something I never subscribed to? I wish the spammers made more of an effort to make sense.