I was walking in Brooklyn Heights (I think it was Brooklyn Heights, but it could have been Cobble Hill) when I saw a pear on the sidewalk. This was unusual. You do not see too many pears on sidewalks in New York City. I looked up and found the source of the pear.

Photo taken in Brooklyn Heights. We see a tree with a the Sun coming through the leaves. The tree is growing a decent number of pears.
I apologize profusely for the pun.

But what is important here is not the pear. It is the pun.

(I am assuming that this is a pear tree. It would be neat if it was quince tree given my prior writings on the subject of quinces in New York City.)

I saw a copy of Tom Cantor’s Changed, a self-published religion conversion story that makes the rounds through an unsolicited direct mail campaign, sitting on a step in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. Why might I care? Over at The New Leaf Journal, I published what I hope was a humorous article on the cover design of the book after receiving a short-lived copy in July 2022. To my surprise, the article performed very strongly in terms of page visits in December 2022 and January 2023, which I inferred was a result of the direct mail campaign, before becoming a proverbial non-entity shortly thereafter. While I know that many people were weirded out about receiving Mr. Cantor’s strange book, The New Leaf Journal would benefit from his resuming his strange pastime with abandon.