I regularly receive unsolicited “cooperation” and “collaboration” offers at my New Leaf Journal email. I receive these despite explicitly stating on our contact page that I am not interested in these offers. Something struck me as odd about how these unsolicited emails are worded. Today, I received a follow-up email from someone claining to be an SEO Outreach Specialist seeking to cooperate with a company he represents “in the SportsBook and Casino industry.” I ignored the original email. The follow-up email, which I will also ignore, asks whether I “got” the previous email. What strikes me as odd is how both emails conclude:

Reply with ‘Unsubscribe’ so you don’t hear from us again.

For one, why would a casino “cooperation” offer be sent pursuant to a subscription. For two, why would I unsubscribe from something I never subscribed to? I wish the spammers made more of an effort to make sense.

I maintain two emails over at The New Leaf Journal. My site administrator email is info [at] newleafjournal. It largely exists to receive spam emails. A certain gentleman purportedly from Qatar Energy sent me the following email:

Dearest  info,

I am [REDACTED], Manager of Finance and Accounts, at Qatar Energy. I have 
$100m for Investment.

Contact me if you are interested, I have all it will take to move the fund to 
you as a contract fund to avoid every query.

I will give you more details upon receipt of your response.

Finance and Account,
Qatar Energy.

This email bothers me. Why did he not capitalize “Info”?  If my name is Info now, he ought to capitalize it. The spammer also spammed my naferrell at newleafjournal email. That one led with Dearest naferrell.  I respect creative spam. This is just trash.