I spent more of my life than I would like to admit figuring out how to add my own footer text to our theme, which is a child theme of SemPress. But mission accomplished. With our child theme and my initial style tweaks done, I published version 1.0 of the newly-named Emusem Press to my personal Gitea repository. My last tasks before really getting the ball rolling on this project are to publish the rest of our informational pages and resolve one plugin-related issue. “Getting the ball rolling” is defined as posts about things other than designing the site.

I had a long day of working on the site. On the down side, I am having some technical issues with a couple of our key plugins that I want to resolve before starting in earnest. At the moment, it seems like Post Kinds is a hard dependency for certain post types working when I have Friends installed. While I am inclined to use Post Kinds, I do not want to be in a situation where I have a hard dependency on a plugin. The issue could be something that I did on set-up, but I am investigating. On the good side, however, I refined the format of the site. We may still have some readability issues (I am trying to find where to slightly increase the font size), but i think I found a nice color scheme to complement our system font stack (the font stack was not my first choice going in, but it reads better than my first choice with the layout). I would like to widen the post blocks down the line. File that issue away.

Emu Café Social Intro by N.A. Ferrell (Admin)N.A. Ferrell (Admin) (The Emu Café Social)
Welcome to The Emu Café Social, a new social publishing project built on top of WordPress. I (N.A. Ferrell) am writing this post from my administrator account, but you will usually see me posting from my user account at social.emucafe.org/author/naferrell.

Thank you administrator version of me for the site intro.

I confirmed that the first post from the administrator version of my account is visible from my Mastodon profile. Very good. For early readers, my regular posts will come from this account (/naferrell).  I will usually post site news and updates from my /nafaugustus account. As always, you will find my articles and other long-form content on The New Leaf Journal.

Welcome to The Emu Café Social, a new social publishing project built on top of WordPress. I (N.A. Ferrell) am writing this post from my administrator account, but you will usually see me posting from my user account at social.emucafe.org/author/naferrell. If you want to learn more about the project, see our new About Page. I will be posting more information about the project over the next couple of weeks. You will still find my long-form writing at The New Leaf Journal.